Big Qur'an at Palembang

qur'an named al akbar
Qur'an named Al Akbar is touted as the largest wood carving and the first in the world in the form of Al-Quran 30 chapters. Alqur's giant wooden tembesu kind, carved ala exhibited typical Palembang.

The Qur'an is made of carved Palembang, consisting of 2 meter high wooden slabs with a width of no less than 1.5 meters. Color brown wood base with yellow Arabic letters arise. Every piece of carved flower motif on the edge. The color is yellow. The manufacturing process itself takes a relatively long time, about seven years.

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The Biggest Vulcanic Lake "TOBA LAKE" North Sumatra

South Sumatra Lake
Lake Toba otherwise called Danau Toba in Indonesia is the biggest volcanic lake (pit lake) in the world. At 100km long and 30km wide, measuring 505m its deepest point, it is sitiated in the middle of the northern part of Indonesia island of Sumatra. Lake Toba turns into one of three competitors (Komodo National Park, Krakatau Volcanic Island, and Lake Toba) for new ponders 2008 of nature voted in New 7 wonders for marvels nature category.
The magnificence of Lake Toba can't be imagine just utilizing a picture or sentence. It will be real on the off chance that you look at by your own eyes. A scene of Lake Toba with the hills encompassing lake, make a crisp air and refresh your mind. The guests sense it with swimming around. In evening, they can see the magnificence of sunset.

There is an area called Pulau Samosir or Samosir Land in the middle of Lake Toba. It have two Lakes, they are Lake Sidhoni and Lake Natonang. The guests can achieve it using boat from Tomok town, Samosir
Lake Toba marks the site of the biggest volcanic eruption in the last 2 million years. It is similar to Yellowstone, a "resurgent caldera" or as geologist David Alt and Daniel Hyndman call this sort of spring of gushing lava, a "perfect horror".

Lake Toba has enchantment and universe since it believed as a spot where Namboru (seven darling precursors of ethnic Batak) was remain. Before Ethnic Batak arrange costume ceremony around around the lake, they ask permission to Namboru.

Native inhabitant in parapat is Batak tribe. They are the majority of Christian religions, utilize the customary dialect and still perform the trsditional ceremony. 

How to go to Lake Toba

beautiful view
There are two separate ways to reach Lake Toba from Medan. One way is via Brastagi in the Karo highlands and the other path is along plantation route. So when on a tour to Indonesia make it a point to visit Lake Toba and have an experience of a lifetime.

Distance voyaged time in the middle of Medan and Parapat is 4 hours by car through some little town in North Sumatra, among others, P.siantar, Tebing Tinggi etc. All through the outing we will see oil plantation and rubber plantation which is the common riches in North Sumatra.

Cheng Ho Mosque at Palembang

Cheng Ho Mosque at palembang
Silk Road stretches across two continents. One end set off in Asia at Luoyang, China, and the other one in Europe at Antioch. What most people do not realize is that there is maritime silk route that stretches across the South China Sea starting at Guangzhou, passing the Malacca strait, and to Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf to various Middle East nations. The route has been popular since the 3rd century. Therefore, when a Chinese Admiral, Cheng Ho, performed his first great voyage in 1403, the route had been plied for around 12 centuries. However, it was Cheng Ho who first to become the greatest seafarer for the last 12 centuries that brought the biggest fleet traversing the route and further off.

Palembang sat at the heart of Srivijaya Kingdom, and by all means situated at the cross road of the trade route. Its auspicious position in the commercial and governmental affair in the 14th century had put it as a transiting point for Cheng Ho and his fleets. During the reign of Srivijaya in Sumatra and Majapahit in Java, commerce and education flourished. A pack of Chinese pirates led by Chen Tsu Ji, an ex-admiral from Kanton, China, swarmed in the delta and sea of Palembang.  This had troubled these Kingdoms and raised a heightening concern in Po Lin Fong, ‘The Old Port’, a place that was established by the notorious Chen Tsu Ji.

Cheng Ho was requested to abolish the upheaval and successfully restore the circumstances. Later, he was to be hailed a hero in Palembang, an honorary guest in Java, and a pride of Ming Dynasty led by Cheng Cu at that time. Seven times Cheng Ho came to ancient Indonesia to interlace religious relationships and peace. He visited various places and built mushalas, small houses of worship for Moslems. He had been revered as an admiral and a religious leader at the same time. Today, there are three Cheng Ho Mosques in Indonesia, two in Java, and one in Palembang, Sumatra.

The mosque was first built in September 2005, and officially used for the first time as a place for Friday prayer on August 22, 2008. It is there to commemorate Cheng Ho’s visit to Palembang 600 years ago. Its fading red paint is dominant, outlined by jade green paint in certain parts of the structure. It is a place of worship and a center for social activities as well. A library and a meeting hall are annexed within the 5.000 square meters complex. Not only is this place a Chinese Moslem mosque, its uniqueness has also been an attraction for tourists from Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Russia.

The building might be new, but the spirit and its background story started way back 600 years ago. Located in Amen Mulia residential complex at Jakabaring, only 3 kilometer away from downtown Palembang, the mosque is a must see, to discover the interlinking history between Indonesia and China. There, your trip is extended to a level of time-travel experience as you talk with the imam of the mosque about Cheng Ho and Srivijaya.

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Punti Kayu Nature Park Palembang

Punti Kayu Nature Park is the one of forest tour in Palembang city which located 6 km from the city center. Since 1938 punti kayu has been designated as protected forests. And at 1986 the result of an agreement between South Sumatra Province and the Ministry of Forestry, Punti Kaayu designated as Forest Holidays. This is impemented by some facilities, such as protected areas, camping areas, lakes and marsh areas, parks and recreation areas. Punti Kayu nature park area is a conservation area which concept based on the principles of protection of biological diversity of plants and animals. Forest park is covered with various type of tropical trees typical of a fairly dense and shady pine trees in between. Punti Kayu pine forest is the largest city in Indonesia. The faciities which available in punti kayu are :
Palembang Park

Mini Zoo

To enjoy this ride, we have to pay a fee of Rp. 5000. There, you can instantly see 20 kinds of animals are in captivity such as estuarine crocodiles, porcupines, leopards, bears, ducks, snakes, turkeys, Scaly-breasted falcon, hawk eagle, shy, gibbons, rabbits, birds, egrets silver, cat forest, pigeons, monkeys, langur simpei, orang utan, geese, lizards, and cassowary. 

Child's Playground / Recreation Parks

which consists of a wide range of children's games like the Ferris wheel, merry-go-round. And also horse riding arena and elephant. 


Waterpark in the area consists of several bike rides like Water, and Hanging Bridge. This area is a conservation area, utilizing the existing artificial lake into a playground of the visitors.

Children's Swimming Pool

Here lies the main 2 pools, and is equipped with a water wheel and a giant bucket that can shed water every 5 minutes.

Outbound area

In the middle there is a vehicle for TWA Punti Kayu Outbound, by utilizing the pine trees as a buffer. Completeness of safety equipment and professional personnel to provide security for visitors. Not infrequently, the scouts came to visit and stay with the setting up tents in the camp offered by the management TWA Punti Kayu.

Multipurpose Building

Which is often used as a wedding, birthday party or other events that the situation is very natural. Equipped with extensive parking and beautiful gardens.

Flower Garden

Flower Garden is  located at the back of Punti Kayu, flower garden of Punti Kayu looks beautiful and feel beautiful because nature is very strong.

Joglo or marquee

Provided for visitors to relax with family.

Security post and postal information

In accordance with the existing Seven Charm, managers want to provide security to the visitors.

Open stage, canteen, Musholah, public toilets and Parking space.

Enjoy Benteng Kuto Besak Palembang South Sumatra

Benteng Kuto Besak Palembang
Musi River is one of the tourist destinations in the city of Palembang, South Sumatra. If you're visiting here do not forget to stop at the castle which proper position overlooking the River Musi.

Benteng Kuto Besak is palace building that in the XVIII century became the center of Palembang Sultanate. Presence in Sultan Mahmud Badarudin Street, or about 1.5 miles of northwest Ampera Bridge. Besides the old building is still magnificent, you can see the beauty of Musi River, because Benteng Kuto Besak is at the poolside.

Benteng Kuto Besak is the largest castle and the only one made ​​of stone as witnesses of resistance against foreign invaders thay also became the pride of the city known as Pempek City. Due to its location adjacent to River Musi, many visitors use this place to enjoy the exoticism of Musi River with different flavors.

This castle was built in 1780 by architects that are not known certainty and supervision of the work entrusted to a Chinese. Bricks adhesive cement using limestone that exist in rural areas of Ogan River coupled with the egg white. Time used to build this Besak Kuto approximately 17 years. This palace was officially occupied on Monday on February 21, 1797.

Benteng Kuto Besak is a reflection of the multi-ethnic people of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate era. Construction supervision is entrusted to a Chinese supervisor, while the construction workers are native Palembang and China that working hand in hand in harmony. This harmony is also one of the heritage handed down to this day as described in more events in Palembang as in Cap Go Meh and Lunar (Chinese New Year).

The main gate, called the Lawang Kuto, located in the south facing the Musi River, while the other gate called Lawang Borotan is located on the west and east, although the western gate is currently the only one that still standing. On the left side of castle, there is a dock where the cruise ship and fishing boats berthing. Travelers can also enjoy the ships. While on the right side of castle there is a restaurant that offers original food of Palembang.
During the afternoon, more beautiful scenery. Sunset sparkling on the surface of the river looks more perfect with Ampera Bridge ornate nearby. At night, the atmosphere will be more dramatic. Light from a row of garden lights creating a yellow reflection on the surface of the river.

Good view at Ranau Lake

Beautiful place
Sumatra island has many beautiful lakes. There are Toba Lake, Gunung Tujuh Lake, and Singkarak Lake. One more lake is no less beautiful and fascinating, Ranau Lake! His name is perhaps less well known than other lakes. However, this lake is the second largest lake in Sumatera after Toba Lake. Beauty and the atmosphere around the lake is also going to make you fall in love.

Ranau Lake is located on the border between West Lampung regency in the province of Lampung and South Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) in South Sumatra. All-round cool weather will you feel in this lake.

Most of the traveler to enjoy the Ranau lake from the Lumbok village, West Lampung regency. During a trip to Lake Ranau, you will be served by an all-green landscape. From Palembang city, the lake is located about 342 kilometers.

Upon arriving there, Ranau Lake has many charms that have been waiting for you. Ranau Lake is very beautiful scenery. The lake is formed due to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions of volcano, has a blue lake water dish, spacious, and quiet, and views of Mount Seminung in the background. For photographers, this scene was perfect.

Walk combing the banks of the lake taking pictures of each side of the lake. There is a dock and boats along the shores of the lake, a very interesting object image. While walking, you will be greeted by friendly people who settled around the lake. You can also take a speedboat to surround the lake. With a price range of Rp 100,000 - Rp 200,000, you can go to Marisa island in the middle of the lake or head to Mount Seminung. There are hot springs there!

If you want to spend more time at Ranau Lake, there are several resorts or homestays in there. There Seminung Lumbok Resort are comfortable and a favorite of the traveler. With a price range of Rp 200,000 – Rp 400,000, you will get comfortable facilities. The resort is located right on the edge of the lake, so you can settle for enjoying views of the lake at any time.

For homestay, it will cost about Rp 60,000 only, it depends on your bargaining to the homeowner. However, you can know better the culture and society around the time people stay at home.

Prepare a thick jacket during a visit to Ranau Lake. The cold air there will pierce your bones. Prepare the camera, because the charm of Lake Ranau was riveting.

Curup Mangkok Waterfall at south sumatra

beutiful water fall
Curup Mangkok is one of the waterfalls at the foot of Mount Dempo, Pagaralam, South Sumatra. Curup or commonly called the waterfall flowing from large rocks and there are some trees on the left and right. The road to get there by climbing the mountain, but to reach the place has made a steep road, but can be passed by car to the edge of lake from the waterfall. This Curup Mangkok has the cold water to soak in the refrigerator, although superficial but the water is very cold. Around the lake there are colorful coral stones, this lake is located in the valley.

When we look at the source of the waterfall there is a gap formed beam of trees adjoining waterfall flowing. The waterfall is named Curup Mangkok because its shape resembles a bowl (mangkok) that has a pool exact below of waterfall swift. For visitors who want to pamper themselves with the cool mountain water while swimming here is also very interesting. Location Curup Mangkok is also not far from Embun Waterfall, approximately 100 meters.